About Me
Understanding Auto Service Tasks

Hello, my name is Davey Jerome. Welcome to my site about auto service. When I was a young boy, the first task I learned to perform on my dad’s truck was an oil change. I delighted in letting the old oil flow out into the drain pan and removing the old filter. Adding the new filter and oil seemed to rejuvenate that old truck and ready it for another day of work on the farm. I will use this site to explore the process of performing automotive services on your own. I hope you can use the information on my site to learn about this important task.

What To Compare When Buying New Tires

25 July 2016
 Categories: , Blog

Most people understand that when it comes to purchasing new tires for their car, it's important to compare. However, there is a wide gray area when it comes to knowing exactly what you need to compare. While price is a great place to begin, it's only a start. There are a number of other key points you want to compare to ensure you are making the right selection. Tread Wear Rating Read More …

How To Repair Small Paint Chips

20 July 2016
 Categories: , Blog

No matter how closely you care for your car, it is bound to pick up a few dents and dings over the years. Most often, your car will pick up small paint chips. Initially, these paint chips are hardly noticeable and you might not think that you need to do anything to them. However, if you leave them as they are, there is a good chance that they will grow and rust might even form underneath them. Read More …

Transmission Tips: Fixes For Slipping Transmission

19 July 2016
 Categories: , Blog

Symptoms of a slipping transmission such as delayed acceleration can spoil your driving experience. However, this is usually the least of problems that one has to contend with when his or her car's transmission starts slipping. This is because when this problem is not addressed immediately, it can lead to complications that can cause total transmission failure. Therefore, when you notice signs such as delays in acceleration, unusual smells, reversing problems and gear-shifting difficulty, it is time to pay attention to your vehicle's transmission. Read More …

Signs You Need To Refill Your Car’s Clutch Fluid

15 July 2016
 Categories: , Blog

Clutch fluid (sometimes also referred to as transmission oil) is a vital part of your vehicle's operation, allowing your transmission to efficiently switch gears while driving. Low clutch fluid can lead to a number of auto repair problems and make the chances of an accident occurring much higher. Thankfully, there are a few warning signs that you can look out for to help determine when it's time to refill your vehicle's clutch fluid. Read More …

How To Spot Trouble With Your Brakes

13 July 2016
 Categories: , Blog

It is vital that you are well aware of the signs that you are having trouble with your brakes. This way, you will know when to take your vehicle to a mechanic or brake specialist so you can remain as safe as possible. To help make sure that you will be able to spot such troubles, you will want to review the following brake issues. You Feel A Vibration In The Brake Pedal When You Press On It Read More …