Understanding Auto Service Tasks

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Understanding Auto Service Tasks

Hello, my name is Davey Jerome. Welcome to my site about auto service. When I was a young boy, the first task I learned to perform on my dad’s truck was an oil change. I delighted in letting the old oil flow out into the drain pan and removing the old filter. Adding the new filter and oil seemed to rejuvenate that old truck and ready it for another day of work on the farm. I will use this site to explore the process of performing automotive services on your own. I hope you can use the information on my site to learn about this important task.

Visiting A Tire Shop For The First Time

27 June 2023
 Categories: , Blog

Tires are one of the most important parts of your car, and it is essential to keep them in good condition. If you are like most people, you probably do not think about your tires very often. However, you have probably had the experience of driving down the road and suddenly hearing a loud noise coming from your tires. If that has happened to you, you know that it is time to visit a tire shop. Read More …

Why Is Your Car’s Engine Stalling?

25 May 2023
 Categories: , Blog

If your car stalls on the road or when you place it in gear, ask an auto service shop to check the engine immediately. Cars stall or suddenly shut off for a number of reasons, including fuel injection problems. If you don't repair your stalling car today, it could shut down on the road later. Learn why your car stalls and how an auto service shop can help below. Why Did Your Car Stall? Read More …

The Key Differences Between The Three Different Motor Oils

28 April 2023
 Categories: , Blog

Oil changes are a required part of maintaining a car. Clean oil helps prevent wear and tear by lubricating all the moving parts, which helps the engine run smoothly. When getting an oil change, you may feel a bit confused about the different types of oil that are available and worried that you won't make the right decision. That's why it will help to know more about the three main types of motor oil. Read More …

Keep Your Used Car In Good Shape With Preventative Maintenance

16 March 2023
 Categories: , Blog

If you own a used car, then you know how important it is to keep it in good shape. But many people may not realize that preventative maintenance can go a long way toward keeping your car running smoothly and efficiently for years. Take a look at why preventative maintenance is so important for used cars. The Ins and Outs of Preventative Maintenance The most obvious benefit of preventative maintenance is that it helps you save money on costly repairs, especially with things like engine and transmission repairs. Read More …

3 Early Signs Of Alternator Failure (And Why You Shouldn’t Ignore Them)

23 February 2023
 Categories: , Blog

Everything in your car ultimately runs off your engine's mechanical energy, but that energy must first be converted into electricity to power many of your accessories. Modern cars use electrical versions of critical components such as water pumps, power steering pumps, and more, making an adequate electricity supply crucial to keep your vehicle operating. Your alternator's job is to convert your engine's mechanical energy into electrical energy. Sadly, a faulty alternator can cause numerous problems and leave you stranded. Read More …